Saturday, 17 May 2008

7 Months

I'm already 7 months and I have started to do a lot of new things the last two weeks. Not everything my parents are happy for but I think most.
I have started to crawl around and every day I do it faster so my parents sometimes can't catch me before I start to throw books, magazines and CD's out of a shelf underneath the TV.
I also can rise up when holding on to something.
The last few days I have started to make a lot of new sounds as well and I think that's funny.

Today is National Day or Constitution Day in Norway and we were out to participate in the celebration. It was so noisy with all the music and all the children but it was so cold and I'm afraid I was sleeping when we were close to the Royal Castle so I didn't see the King, Queen, Prince and Princess...hopefully next year I will.

On a Restaurant boat "Lekteren" in Oslo harbour

Finally I got some new toys!!

I can play in this one as well, not only bathing