Thursday, 29 November 2007

I'm growing fast!

This week I have been to the Health Center for control again. This time also a doctor was there to check me and luckily they said that everything was ok with me...a strong and healthy boy! Hm..

Well, I was 5570 gr this time and have put on 700 gr in 19 days, not too bad!

They don't want to measure my length until I'm 3 months old for some reason I don't understand. Anyway my parents do it at home (they are not stupid!) so they say I'm already close to 60 cm (about 58-59 cm).


Last weekend we had a little party and some of my relatives was there and two of them are about same age as me as well.
Here are Noa (born in March) behind me and Leah...she is only two days older than me and even born at the same hospital.

Sunday, 25 November 2007

New look

As you can see my mother has been out shopping again and this time I think I'm really cool!
Other things happened this week was that I finally got my Norwegian passport so now I'm ready to travel and my first destination will of course be to my mothers country China.

Friday, 16 November 2007

My New Suit

One afternoon my mother was out shopping and guess what she bought for me? Yes, that's right..a new suit with shirt and even shoes. I know she likes shopping very much but I'm only 5 weeks old!!

I think it's still a bit big but it will hopefully be perfect for Christmas and New Year's parties coming up.


When I was 5 weeks my parents decided to shave my head so I had my first visit at the hairdresser's. It's a Chinese tradition to shave the hair when you are about one month old. I had nice dark soft hair, now it's gone but hopefully it will come back soon and then thicker and stronger. It was done in almost less than a minute and I didn't feel any pain at all so no need to cry. I felt a bit cold though so they put a soft cap on for the next days even inside.

4-5 weeks

At 4 weeks I was already 4780 grams so I was growing quite quickly. When we was at the health control I also got an injection against Hepatites B; that really hurt...and I didn't feel well whole that day and most of the next, I slept a lot and luckily I didn't get a fever, only a little bit.

Nearly 5 weeks old and ready for Fight Club!

Check out my gloves and start position.

Monday, 5 November 2007

My First Month

Most of the time I behaved quite good compare to most babies. My mother had enough milk for me and 3 weeks old I was already over 4 kilo. I drank a lot or rather many times during was like it was sleeping medicine in the milk because after drinking just a short time I got so tired and fell asleep although my mother squeezed my hand and rubbed my neck to keep me I just slept and after half an hour or one hour I wake up again and felt hungry because I didn't drink enough. I think this was a bit hard for my mother.
Some days I was really good and spent a long time in my bed just looking around without crying or complaining. My parents also took me to the living room on the sofa there and let me stay there and I liked to lie and just look many interesting things and sounds and it was also good to have them real close to me.
I knew it was most important to behave well during night also because my father had to get up early every day for work, so every night I slept 3-4 hours between the meals and went straight to sleep again.
I liked very much to go out as well. Unlike most other babies I didn't have a pram but something called a babyholder, My father took me out in this from I was about 10 days old. I liked it because it remained me of being inside my mother's stom. I was in constant movement and I could feel the warmth from my fathers body and it made me feel very safe and secure. Most of the time we were out, even in shopping malls I slept like a log most of the time.
I think my parents found it a bit strange that I didn't smile much the first month. I din't have much time to do was so many other things, so much to see like watching my parents faces and so on. On the other hand I was quite strong and just after some days I could turn my head from one side to the other while I was lying on my stom. From a few weeks old they trained me every day like this, lying on my stom for some time and sometimes I got fed up because I rather wanted to sleep or eat.